BioStat LLC Celox Rapid Z-Fold Gauze

Severe high pressure bleeding



BioStat LLC Celox Rapid Z-Fold Gauze is an instinctive way of using Celox to stop mild to severe bleeding. Just pack the wound and apply pressure (as needed) – it’s safe, easy and very effective.

Celox Rapid can be used to control severe bleeding faster than other hemostat dressings. With faster packing and faster compression, up to three minutes can be saved on caring for a casualty. Saving time increases the chances of survival for the casualty and for the whole team in a hostile or emergency situation.

Celox Rapid uses Chito-RTM an activated chitosan that speeds up control of bleeding. Chito-R sticks to wet tissue, providing electrostatic binding to platelets, absorption of blood, creating hemostasis through a gelatin-like plug locally at the bleeding site. This may be augmented by direct pressure applied by the responder. It is this moist gelatin-like dressing that gives Celox Rapid the excellent results with reduced compression time, allowing Celox Rapid to minimize blood loss and save lives. The Chito-R is heat fixed to Celox Rapid creating a high volume, rapid packing gauze strip to maximize packing speed. Laboratory trials have shown that Celox Rapid Gauze can be rapidly packed in half the time of competitive devices. It demonstrated wound hemostasis within 1 minute or less. It also fills a higher volume when wet and under compression than the competitive devices.


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