Water Jel Fire Blanket Plus Canister

SKU: M-FAS-1005 Categories: ,


Used By Firefighters, EMS, & Industrial Around The World!

Water Jel is a unique, patented one-step emergency burn care treatment product. Just apply the dressing to the burned area and Water Jel cools and protects while at the same time easing pain. Water Jel fire blankets can also be used to extinguish small fires put out flames on a victim and shield rescuers from heat and flames.

5-Feet X 6-Feet Blanket Stores In Wall-Mountable Canister
Wool Is Soaked In A Water-Based, Water-Soluble Gel That Is Biodegradable
Composed Of A 100% Worsted Wool Carrier Capable Of Absorbing Up To 12 times Its Own Weight