Philips HeartStart OnSite AED (Re-certified)

Small and lightweight, weighing in at just 3.3 pounds


The Philips HeartStart OnSite is the only automatic external defibrillator (AED) designed for in-home or office use for high risk patients that should be prepared in the event of a sudden cardiac arrest.

The Philips HeartStart OnSite AED is widely used by laypersons and trained rescuers alike.  The portability (weighing 3.3 pounds) allows it to be easily carried to the victim’s side during a sudden cardiac arrest (SCA), and is designed with innovative technology that has produced a defibrillator very easy to set up and use successfully by an ordinary person.

The audible instructions feature a clear and natural voice that guides the user step by step and keeps pace with the actions being taken.  The voice instructions are designed to be sufficiently detailed but not overly wordy to guide even the most novice user.  The device is so intuitive that if a voice instruction is not performed, the HeartStart AED recognizes this and asks the user to perform the step again in a re-worded way, assuming that the first instruction was not understood clearly.  

In the chaos and crisis of responding to a person who has collapsed due to sudden cardiac arrest, the HeartStart OnSite also provides visual instructions for those users who work better in that mode.  These graphic-based visual instructions are designed to communicate instantaneously with minimum reading and interpretation, yet not complete with the voice instructions.  This AED delivers its maximum shock strength starting with the first shock.

Small and lightweight, weighing in at just 3.3 pounds

AED can be converted into Trainer with low-cost training pads (click here)

“Quick Shock” capability allows shock delivery in less than 10 seconds, cutting down on unnecessary wasted time

Full 4 year warranty on the battery

3 Year Warranty