Pelican 1600EMS Case With EMS Organizer and Dividers

SKU: PC-EMSC-1004 Categories: ,


Fit Everything You Need In One Box!
To organize first responders everywhere, Pelican Products, Inc., a leading manufacturer of high-impact, all-purpose watertight Protector Cases, has unveiled the 1600 EMS Case.

The Pelican 1600 EMS Case features a specially engineered medical supply organization system which includes a lid organizer with clear pockets and a fully customizable, hook-and-loop, padded divider set. The system is perfect for quick and easy inventory and storage of pre-filled syringes, solutions, vials, and ampoules along with all other accessories carried by EMS techs everywhere.

The 1600 EMS Case features a distinctive, trademarked “Dual Band” design with a cell-core polymer construction that helps them protect sensitive equipment from some of the harshest conditions on Earth.

Additional features include a lid equipped with a polymer o-ring for a dust and waterproof seal, a rubberized all-weather, sure-grip handle and stainless steel reinforced padlock protectors for added defense against cutting and theft. The 1600 EMS Case also features double-throw latches which are engineered to tolerate up to 400lbs. of pressure, yet open with a light pull. The case’s standard automatic Gore-TEX pressure equalization valve stops moisture from entering the case and prevents vacuum-lock so the case opens easily at any altitude.

Watertight, Crushproof, And Dust Proof
Easy Open Double Throw Latches
Open Cell Core With Solid Wall Design – Strong, Light Weight
O-Ring Seal
Automatic Pressure Equalization Valve
Comfortable Rubber Over-Molded Handle
Stainless Steel Hardware And Padlock Protectors
Pick N Pluck With Convoluted Lid Foam
Lifetime Guarantee Of Excellence
Temperature Range: -40º / 210º F
1.61 Cubic Feet of Storage Space
Max Buoyancy 74.96 lbs

Interior: 21.43″L x 16.50″W x 7.87″D
Exterior 24.25″L x 19.43″W x 8.68″D