Opti-Cide3 Surface Disinfectant

Mycobacterium tuberculosis (TB)


Opti-Cide3 is a ready to use, highly effective cleaner and disinfectant for use in hospitals, dental offices, surgical facilities, neonatal & infant care units, plasma pheresis and blood centers, GI/pulmonary endoscopy labs, dialysis units and other areas where strict control of cross contamination is critical.


Opti-Cide3’s non-caustic formula is used to thoroughly clean and disinfect environmental and all equipment surfaces including operating room lights and tables, dental operatory surfaces, laser hand pieces, slit lamps, tonometer tips, gonial lenses, IV and chest pumps, EMS equipment, examination room fixtures, infant incubators, oxygen hoods, respiratory therapy and anesthesia equipment, laboratory equipment and surfaces as well as other contaminated items. To use, simply spray onto surface, allow 2-minute contact and wipe dry or rinse.


Opti-Cide3 is approved to decontaminate soiled instruments prior to handling during the terminal cleaning and reprocessing steps. To use, simply spray instruments until drenched, allow to remain wet for 2-minutes and immediately rinse under running water. Follow with an appropriate terminal cleaning and sterilization process.