EMS Advantage Pedi-Wheel

Average weight in kilograms.


Confidence During Pediatric Emergencies! The Pedi-Wheel is a convenient pocket reference tool that puts vital pediatric data at your fingertips. This sturdy, full-color, water resistant device provides virtually all of the information you will need to successfully perform during a pediatric emergency. An incredibly valuable reference for medical professionals and students because we’ve compiled volumes of vital pediatric information into this slide chart that is only the size of a compact disc. The Pedi-Wheel is perfect for every day use or as a study aid. Turn the dial to your patient’s age on one side and the following information appears in the window: average weight, blood pressure, heart rate, respiratory rate, suggested sizes for ET tubes and laryngoscope blades, as well as the average length of a properly inserted ET tube at the teeth or gum line. Age categories range from premie to 16 years-old.

This sturdy, full-color wheel is water resistant and fits perfectly in your pocket, clipboard, drug box, or crash cart. Ideal for paramedics, EMTs, nurses, physicians, students, or anyone in the medical field that deals with pediatrics. Diameter is 4-5/8 inches round.