SKU: M-BD-1005 Categories: ,


   With Rapid Packing and Minimal Compression, Celox‚ RAPID can reduce hemostasis to a minute or less expanding the first responders capabilities  to care for other wounds or casualties.

  • A 5‚ Celox‚ RAPID  packs faster, requires minimal post-application compression, reduces blood loss, and provides  greater stability in evacuation compared to competitive products.
  • Independent in vivo testing showed 100 % success in achieving hemostasis and reduced blood loss compared to other treatments*.
  • Celox‚ RAPID has also been tested in a model of casualty evacuation, achieving 100 % successful transport without re-bleeding*.

As the occurrences of violent and brutal acts escalates, so too have the demands to provide care under increasingly chaotic and life threatening conditions. Celox‚ RAPID defines Tactical Hemostasis and bridges the significant capability gap between emerging tactics and the current standard of treatment for hemorrhage control.